We provide Central Station Alarm Monitoring for both Fire Alarm and Burglar alarm systems. Communication to the central station from your alarm can be through traditional land line, ethernet, cell, or combination of any of these paths.
We provide Central Station Fire Alarm Monitoring as required by IFC and NFPA code in order to properly dispatch your local fire authority in the case of an alarm; and then notify persons on your call list. In the case of a trouble signal from your system just your call list is notified of the trouble signal. We of course can monitor any of the systems we install but we can also monitor systems that are already in place. You may even qualify for six months of FREE monitoring by switching to us for your monitoring needs. Contact us for more details.
Central Station Monitoring of your burglar alarm system is available as an option from Security Electronics LLC. That means that it is not a requirement should you choose to have your system installed by us. If you would like to have your alarm monitored by us, there is No Time Contract involved. Unlike other companies which force you to sign three to five year contracts obligating you to their monitoring, we offer an open ended service which allows you to use our monitoring for as long as You would like to use it. Cancellation only requires 30 days notice. At Security Electronics we are proud to say that we have never had a dissatisfied customer! Contact us for answers to any additional questions.
With Central Station Monitoring of your alarms system you receive:
1. Dispatch of the proper authorities after you system is tripped.
2. Notification of a dispatch to you or any other friends or relatives.
3. Silent Panic Buttons operable.
4. Notification of system Troubles such as Loss of Power or Low Battery.
The Way It Works:
When your alarm system is tripped, the alarm panel in your home contacts OUR monitoring station where operators are on duty 24 hours a day. All information concerning you system is displayed on our computer system. For most alarms we then call your premise within 90 seconds to verify the alarm. In the event that you accidentally tripped your alarm, you simply answer the call and when asked, give the correct abort word (or number) and we do not dispatch the police.
In the event that no one answers the telephone (4 rings), or if the correct abort code is not given to the operator, we then dispatch the proper authorities followed by calling the people on your personnel call list.